
Friday, October 30, 2015


Not only did a famous person’s son talk to me, but the son’s girlfriend called me pretty too. (He also followed me on Instagram haha). This famous person isn’t just anyone, he’s in my favorite movie, the movie that was made from my favorite book. The famous person I am referring to is C. Thomas Howell. I honestly bet that almost everyone reading this doesn’t know who that is. But, Tommy Howell is a pretty famous actor. I mean, he’s not the most famous ever, but he’s up there. 

C. Thomas Howell plays Ponyboy Curtis in S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. And for anyone who knows me, not even that well, would know that I had a slightly unhealthy obsession with The Outsiders in seventh grade. I mean, I had a fan account on Instagram for it, I guess you could say I put a lot of time and effort into that fandom. I also made a lot of friends… that I’m not friends with anymore unfortunately. 

Okay, enough with my past… wait, this did happen in the past. Never mind, lets just stop talking about dark parts of my past LOL. Okay, so, I should probably start telling the story. I also too should say that I have never actually met C. Thomas Howell or his son, Liam. Now, you’re probably super confused to how I talked to Liam then. Well, I talked to him on the Internet. Yes, yes, I’m a rebel, but I mean, it payed off in the end, right?

OKAY I’LL GET ON WITH IT, I’M BAD AT TELLING STORIES, I GET OFF TRACK I KNOW, AND I’M SORRY. Oh, sorry again, I screamed at you. Well, one day I was on Instagram; the lovely place where it all happened. I was browsing around on my fan account when I got a DM notification. It was from one of my fandom friends, who told me that Liam had talked to her and followed her. Instantly, I knew it was my mission to have him talk to me and maybe even follow me…

So, I direct messaged Liam. Probably saying something about how I thought his dad is an amazing actor, etc. etc.. I didn’t think much would come out of it. I didn’t even think he’d open the DM because he probably gets tons of these everyday. Well, I was pretty lucky I guess, because that day when I turned on my lock screen on my phone, I saw, “liam_howell has commented on your DM..." 

My reaction was most likely something like this: 

I am Stewie.
GIF Courtesy: ReplyGIF

Anyways, I opened the direct message and I can’t remember what the exact words were but I think Liam said something along the lines of, “Haha, I get that a lot. But thanks” Yeah, I get it, it wasn't the most exciting thing ever, but I mean, it’s still pretty cool that C. Thomas Howell’s son talked to me. Right after this, he followed me ahhh :-0

Well, this was the story of when Tommy Howell’s son slid into my DM's, followed me on social media, and then a little after all of that, his girlfriend called me pretty too. Good times, good times. 

1 comment:

  1. It's more than an slightly unhealthy obsession.
