
Saturday, October 10, 2015


I feel like everyone’s swallowed something they are not supposed to sometime in their life. A lot of my friends have told me that they have swallowed a penny, or in my mom’s case, multiple pussy willows. But, being me, I swallowed the strangest, most random thing you can swallow… a magnet. Now, you may be thinking “how does one even swallow a magnet?” or, “it was probably just a small one,” but oh no, out of all the tiny, cute magnets you could swallow, I swallowed the huge, powerful one. To be exact, a singing magnet went down my esophagus and into my stomach. 

   These are the evil singing magnets. Photo Courtesy: AliExpress

I should probably explain more about how this unfortunate incident came to be. It was my birthday and my grandma had just given me these awesome magnets. I was a curious freshly turned eight year old and wanted to find out if the very powerful magnets were powerful enough to still be able to sick together through my cheek. I was in my living room bathroom at the time, starring at myself in the mirror and obviously wasn't thinking about what I was doing. I had stuck one magnet to the top of my tongue and the other to the bottom and there was no problem there. I also stuck my lip between them and well, also had no problems. So, I guess I had just assumed that it would be okay to stick them through my cheek. Well, they didn’t and right when I swallowed some spit one of the singing magnets went down too. Then, instant panic.

I ran out of the bathroom to my mom and probably said something along the lines of, “I just swallowed a magnet am I going to die?!”
Her possible response was, “How many did you swallow?”
“Just one” I most likely replied as I probably held out a single, shiny, jet black magnet.

I’m really happy I only swallowed one, because if I had swallowed two, I would’ve gotten surgery and I don’t think eight year old me could handle that. Well, my mom, who was still in complete panic called my grandma to ask what we should do. (My grandmother was a nurse earlier in her life). She said to not let me poop in the toilet. That’s some weird advice, but good advice because if somehow the magnet went through my digestive system, if would’ve gotten stuck to the metal pipes. 

So, here's the gross part, for around the next month, I was forced to poop in my little sisters "training" toilet. (I have no idea what to call them). Unfortunately, we never did find the magnet so I just assume it’s still in me… somewhere. I just can’t swallow anything else magnetic for I’ll be in some trouble. I guess only swallowing one magnet was okay in the sense that there’s a lot worse people have swallowed… 

Well, that’s it! Sorry if this post was really random, but I don’t have many exciting things happen in my life and this just seemed to pop up in my head on this Saturday afternoon. And don't forget, swallowing your spit while there's a magnet in your mouth, is a terrible idea.

1 comment:

  1. That's a really emotional story. It brought tears to my eyes.
