
Monday, October 19, 2015


Here's part 2 to "PEOPLE CHANGE TOO FAST"

Okay, now we’re getting into the more interesting writing, these two pieces are from 8th grade. And I wrote both for my creative writing class. 

Just Great 

I knew I shouldn't be going through his drawer, but he'd been acting suspicious lately and I needed answers. The leather-bound diary was tucked snugly between a pair of navy blue basketball socks. What else could I do? I grabbed the diary, and shut the drawer as quietly as I could. I left the room with the door partially shut like it was before I entered. I walked into my room, shut the door, and locked it. The diary looked old, almost as if it hadn’t been written in for an entire century. It was slightly coated in dust, and the articles were stained with what looked like coffee. I carefully opened the diary and skipped to one of the last pages, probably where his most recent writings would be. The text was wrinkled, so it was hard to read. The page was titled, “April 17, 1998” and read…

I’ve been stuck in this home for awhile now. And I’m not sure what to do. The Malum Transporters promised me that I would be returning home about one month after arrival, and if I’ve been counting right…I’ve been here for ten years, that’s not exactly one month. So, I’m getting quite anxious. I was supposed to be here for one reason, and one reason only—”

The writing suddenly stopped, like Isaac, or whatever he was, was interrupted. I thought to myself, “What is this supposed to mean? Is my only brother some alien? Who are these Malum Transporters? What is happening?!” I fell back onto my bed, and quickly opened his diary to the first page, I needed to start from the beginning.

I mean, I want to know more, so I guess you could say that’s a pretty good “short story”.

This is what I did when I read "Just Great", so good job on that one Elise. 
Image courtesy: Pixcooler

And, for my final piece of writing, I will be sharing the first paragraph from my 10,000 word novel that we were required to write for creative writing last year. The novel is titled, “Deracinate”.

Elko, Nevada, 04-17-08, 12:15:28 pm

His name was Pierce, Pierce Éclair, and he would always say that he knew that his last name was a pastry and that he absolutely hated it. He was around 6’1 with wavy, brown hair that framed his face absolutely perfectly. He had deep brown eyes, with swirls of ember inside, that would always catch your attention. He would always wear a grey sweatshirt with dirty white strings that came out the side of his hood. He swore, and smoked, but he was smart, smarter than me. He loved outer space and geography. He wanted to travel the world, and wanted to be fluent in Italian. He kept to himself, and would only speak when needed. He, is the love of my life.

So, after I read over all of these past writings, I was so utterly embarrassed and questioned why on Earth I ever wrote them. But, people change for the better and I guess in this case I changed for the better and have become a better writer because of it. 

Alright, before I make this any longer I should probably leave…

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