
Friday, October 30, 2015


Not only did a famous person’s son talk to me, but the son’s girlfriend called me pretty too. (He also followed me on Instagram haha). This famous person isn’t just anyone, he’s in my favorite movie, the movie that was made from my favorite book. The famous person I am referring to is C. Thomas Howell. I honestly bet that almost everyone reading this doesn’t know who that is. But, Tommy Howell is a pretty famous actor. I mean, he’s not the most famous ever, but he’s up there. 

C. Thomas Howell plays Ponyboy Curtis in S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. And for anyone who knows me, not even that well, would know that I had a slightly unhealthy obsession with The Outsiders in seventh grade. I mean, I had a fan account on Instagram for it, I guess you could say I put a lot of time and effort into that fandom. I also made a lot of friends… that I’m not friends with anymore unfortunately. 

Okay, enough with my past… wait, this did happen in the past. Never mind, lets just stop talking about dark parts of my past LOL. Okay, so, I should probably start telling the story. I also too should say that I have never actually met C. Thomas Howell or his son, Liam. Now, you’re probably super confused to how I talked to Liam then. Well, I talked to him on the Internet. Yes, yes, I’m a rebel, but I mean, it payed off in the end, right?

OKAY I’LL GET ON WITH IT, I’M BAD AT TELLING STORIES, I GET OFF TRACK I KNOW, AND I’M SORRY. Oh, sorry again, I screamed at you. Well, one day I was on Instagram; the lovely place where it all happened. I was browsing around on my fan account when I got a DM notification. It was from one of my fandom friends, who told me that Liam had talked to her and followed her. Instantly, I knew it was my mission to have him talk to me and maybe even follow me…

So, I direct messaged Liam. Probably saying something about how I thought his dad is an amazing actor, etc. etc.. I didn’t think much would come out of it. I didn’t even think he’d open the DM because he probably gets tons of these everyday. Well, I was pretty lucky I guess, because that day when I turned on my lock screen on my phone, I saw, “liam_howell has commented on your DM..." 

My reaction was most likely something like this: 

I am Stewie.
GIF Courtesy: ReplyGIF

Anyways, I opened the direct message and I can’t remember what the exact words were but I think Liam said something along the lines of, “Haha, I get that a lot. But thanks” Yeah, I get it, it wasn't the most exciting thing ever, but I mean, it’s still pretty cool that C. Thomas Howell’s son talked to me. Right after this, he followed me ahhh :-0

Well, this was the story of when Tommy Howell’s son slid into my DM's, followed me on social media, and then a little after all of that, his girlfriend called me pretty too. Good times, good times. 

Monday, October 26, 2015


Since I love food, this one is pretty funny and relatable. 
I am on a seafood diet. Every time I see food, I eat it.

Monday, October 19, 2015


I was going to save this pun for Christmas but it was just too funny...
What nationality is Santa Claus? North Polish
Guys, I honestly found this funny... am I the only one? Hopefully not...
Pun Source


Here's part 2 to "PEOPLE CHANGE TOO FAST"

Okay, now we’re getting into the more interesting writing, these two pieces are from 8th grade. And I wrote both for my creative writing class. 

Just Great 

I knew I shouldn't be going through his drawer, but he'd been acting suspicious lately and I needed answers. The leather-bound diary was tucked snugly between a pair of navy blue basketball socks. What else could I do? I grabbed the diary, and shut the drawer as quietly as I could. I left the room with the door partially shut like it was before I entered. I walked into my room, shut the door, and locked it. The diary looked old, almost as if it hadn’t been written in for an entire century. It was slightly coated in dust, and the articles were stained with what looked like coffee. I carefully opened the diary and skipped to one of the last pages, probably where his most recent writings would be. The text was wrinkled, so it was hard to read. The page was titled, “April 17, 1998” and read…

I’ve been stuck in this home for awhile now. And I’m not sure what to do. The Malum Transporters promised me that I would be returning home about one month after arrival, and if I’ve been counting right…I’ve been here for ten years, that’s not exactly one month. So, I’m getting quite anxious. I was supposed to be here for one reason, and one reason only—”

The writing suddenly stopped, like Isaac, or whatever he was, was interrupted. I thought to myself, “What is this supposed to mean? Is my only brother some alien? Who are these Malum Transporters? What is happening?!” I fell back onto my bed, and quickly opened his diary to the first page, I needed to start from the beginning.

I mean, I want to know more, so I guess you could say that’s a pretty good “short story”.

This is what I did when I read "Just Great", so good job on that one Elise. 
Image courtesy: Pixcooler

And, for my final piece of writing, I will be sharing the first paragraph from my 10,000 word novel that we were required to write for creative writing last year. The novel is titled, “Deracinate”.

Elko, Nevada, 04-17-08, 12:15:28 pm

His name was Pierce, Pierce Éclair, and he would always say that he knew that his last name was a pastry and that he absolutely hated it. He was around 6’1 with wavy, brown hair that framed his face absolutely perfectly. He had deep brown eyes, with swirls of ember inside, that would always catch your attention. He would always wear a grey sweatshirt with dirty white strings that came out the side of his hood. He swore, and smoked, but he was smart, smarter than me. He loved outer space and geography. He wanted to travel the world, and wanted to be fluent in Italian. He kept to himself, and would only speak when needed. He, is the love of my life.

So, after I read over all of these past writings, I was so utterly embarrassed and questioned why on Earth I ever wrote them. But, people change for the better and I guess in this case I changed for the better and have become a better writer because of it. 

Alright, before I make this any longer I should probably leave…

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Hi! I bet you were expecting some deep blog post about some old friend, but you won’t be getting that. Although, in my opinion, you’ll be getting something even better. You’ll be getting a part of my past. A part that only few people have seen, but now, I’m letting anyone in the entire world see them. Okay, okay, I’ll show you what it is, it’s not too extravagant, it’s just writing, but trust me, you’ll be entertained by it, I promise. I will be showing you my fetus writing. Not writing that I wrote when I was in my mother’s womb, but writing from before this school year. 

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any writing that I wrote before 7th grade but hopefully you will still enjoy. Trust me, right now my face is bright red and I still don’t know why I’m putting this on the Internet.

This is the exact face I made when I read my old writing. 
Photo courtesy: mental_floss

Here is my first piece I have to show you, a terrible poem by 12 year old Elise.

Format: Free Verse

rainy days are my dearest,
cool droplets against my skin,
sky roaring with tears,
people running and running,
and I,
watch as the world takes in the sorrow,
and makes it even more,

I like that I was super hipster with my initials in lower case letters… 

Piece two is a mandala poem, and I’ll be honest, I have no idea what that is. 

If I were not me...

I’d be a puddle of water during a rain storm,
on a cool sidewalk
the color of a dark stormy day,

I’d be a chilly wind storm,
in the streets of Tulsa,
full of thoughts and jokes,

I’d be a cactus,
a deep, dark green,
standing still, withering under the hot sun,

I’d be a warm camp fire,
gaping in the woods,
hot enough to burn the many dreams of children,

I’d be a bright, exiting gold,

hiding within my self-consciousness,

I’d be a ukelele,
playing near the bewildering sea

Wow Elise, you were very… deep…

Piece three, okay, I actually love this poem and I’m pretty proud of it so I hope you genuinely enjoy it too :-)


he was as unknowable as a foreign language, 
as she was a girl with sixteen years of sorrow,
they spent most of their time trying not to cry,
as they filled their lungs with cancer,
they gazed upon shadows on the wall,
as they would never answer,
and as her hair fell upon her shoulders,
and as his freckles dotted his nose,
they both knew that love was never alike, 
although they never intended

I really do like this one.

Unfortunately, I have to split this post into two parts because it's too long otherwise.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


On October 14, 2015, Tia and Sam meet. Before I go on with this story, you’re going to need some background information. Sam is my one and a half year old pug chihuahua mix. I adopted him around June of last year. Tia, is an eight year old golden retriever, and Ashtyn is her owner. Ashtyn and I are horse crazy, and well, dog crazy too. Ashtyn trains Tia agility and I train Sam agility. We had been dreaming for the two pups to meet for awhile, but never went through with these plans. 

I’ll be honest, when Ashtyn came up with an exact plan of how and when they were going to meet, I was a little nervous. Of course, I wanted them to meet, but I didn’t know how it would go. Since Sam is still a puppy, he’s pretty “barkey”, and I guess you could say he’s not yet very “sociable”. Sam is not a mean dog in any way, shape, or form, he just has his preferences. But, I needed to take a leap of faith, and trust that everything would go okay. 

I packed his dog food, a bag of training treats, a leash, and of course, Sam himself. Trust me, I probably asked Ashtyn 100 times if it was okay with her dad and also if she still thought this was a good idea. I was silly for asking so many times, but I just wanted everything to go over smoothly. Her dad pulled up, I opened the door, and climbed in with Sam in my arms. I was honestly expecting him to bark, bark like a freaking maniac, but, he didn’t. 

Ashtyn: “Can we go to Petsmart? I need more training treats for Tia.”
Me (in my head): “Oh, crap. Sam will bark and it will just be a mess. Say no, please say no…”
Her dad: “Tia doesn’t need anymore.”
Everyone: *goes quiet*
Me (in my head): “Thank god.”

We continued down the road and turned. And guess where, Petsmart. I jumped out of the car with Sam and we walked into the store. HE DIDN’T BARK! I guess the chihuahua in him had subsided… for the time.

We got to Ashtyn’s house and Sam was freaking out. He was smelling everything and pulling me everywhere. Ashtyn let Tia out into the front yard and that’s when the chihuahua in him came out. 


We walked them together around the neighborhood and thankfully, the two warmed up to each other. When all four of us got back home, we let them into the backyard. This is when Ashtyn and I fully understood what roles our dogs played. Sam was a fox and Tia was a deer. How does that make any sense? Sam is 40 pounds smaller than Tia, but he’s a brat and thinks he’s the boss. Ashtyn likes to refere to Sam as a stallion. Haha.

So, in reaction to this, Ashtyn and I tied the two dogs together, like how Spirit and Rain were tied together in the movie “Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron”. But finally, they became acquaintances with each other. 

Although Sam and Tia didn’t become best friends like we hoped they would, it was still super fun and we’re hoping to get them together again soon, so stay tuned!   

This photo took FOREVER to take!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Hi! It's Tuesday when I'm posting this because I forgot to post it yesterday... :(
But, this pun is in the spirit of fall!
What did the tree say to autumn? Leaf me alone.  
Pun Source

Saturday, October 10, 2015


I feel like everyone’s swallowed something they are not supposed to sometime in their life. A lot of my friends have told me that they have swallowed a penny, or in my mom’s case, multiple pussy willows. But, being me, I swallowed the strangest, most random thing you can swallow… a magnet. Now, you may be thinking “how does one even swallow a magnet?” or, “it was probably just a small one,” but oh no, out of all the tiny, cute magnets you could swallow, I swallowed the huge, powerful one. To be exact, a singing magnet went down my esophagus and into my stomach. 

   These are the evil singing magnets. Photo Courtesy: AliExpress

I should probably explain more about how this unfortunate incident came to be. It was my birthday and my grandma had just given me these awesome magnets. I was a curious freshly turned eight year old and wanted to find out if the very powerful magnets were powerful enough to still be able to sick together through my cheek. I was in my living room bathroom at the time, starring at myself in the mirror and obviously wasn't thinking about what I was doing. I had stuck one magnet to the top of my tongue and the other to the bottom and there was no problem there. I also stuck my lip between them and well, also had no problems. So, I guess I had just assumed that it would be okay to stick them through my cheek. Well, they didn’t and right when I swallowed some spit one of the singing magnets went down too. Then, instant panic.

I ran out of the bathroom to my mom and probably said something along the lines of, “I just swallowed a magnet am I going to die?!”
Her possible response was, “How many did you swallow?”
“Just one” I most likely replied as I probably held out a single, shiny, jet black magnet.

I’m really happy I only swallowed one, because if I had swallowed two, I would’ve gotten surgery and I don’t think eight year old me could handle that. Well, my mom, who was still in complete panic called my grandma to ask what we should do. (My grandmother was a nurse earlier in her life). She said to not let me poop in the toilet. That’s some weird advice, but good advice because if somehow the magnet went through my digestive system, if would’ve gotten stuck to the metal pipes. 

So, here's the gross part, for around the next month, I was forced to poop in my little sisters "training" toilet. (I have no idea what to call them). Unfortunately, we never did find the magnet so I just assume it’s still in me… somewhere. I just can’t swallow anything else magnetic for I’ll be in some trouble. I guess only swallowing one magnet was okay in the sense that there’s a lot worse people have swallowed… 

Well, that’s it! Sorry if this post was really random, but I don’t have many exciting things happen in my life and this just seemed to pop up in my head on this Saturday afternoon. And don't forget, swallowing your spit while there's a magnet in your mouth, is a terrible idea.

Monday, October 5, 2015


It's Monday, again! So here's my Monday pun: Why did the scientist install a knocker on his door? He wanted to win the No-bell prize!
Pun Source