
Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Dear S.E. Hinton, I hope you enjoy this post, and the rest of my blog. You see, the thing is, my blog doesn’t really have a theme. I don’t blog about sports, or fashion, I kind of just blog about myself. That sounds pretty vain, I know, but I don’t really know what else to blog about. Maybe I’m just too lazy and don’t want to take the time to write about a certain topic every, single, time. 

Anyways, hi Ms. Hinton! I’ll get straight to the point, you’re my inspiration, and have been since seventh grade. Yeah, you haven’t been a role model to me for a very long time (since I’m only in ninth grade), but you have had such a huge influence on me. 

I’ll be honest, I never think about you while writing my blog posts, because they’re just silly 500 word posts that I write quickly to make an assignment dead line. But, when I wrote my novel in creative writing class, you’re the person I thought about every time I wrote a page in that book. Getting your, The Outsiders novel published when you were only sixteen amazes me. I want to be just like you, intelligent, determined, a freaking amazing writer, the list goes on and on. 

S.E. Hinton, you have opened my eyes to so many things, and I mean SO many things. Because of you, I have met so many friends online. I know you know about online friends and the internet (I do follow you on twitter and I literally favorite every one of your tweets, you’re also super funny). I have also found out about amazing actors, like Ralph Macchio, Patrick Swayze, River Phoenix, Corey Haim, Diane Lane, and so many more. AND because of these actors, I have found all of my favorite movies. Basically, I’m obsessed with the 80’s. (Yes, I know that The Outsiders was set in the 60’s but came out in the early 80’s).

Sadly enough, some people made fun of me at school for liking your book so much. People would (and sometimes still will) come up to me and say rude things like, “Haha, you’re obsessed with that stupid book, The Outsiders?” It doesn’t sound too mean, but it hurts when something you love so much gets hated on.

Well, enough sadness, I might as well tell you a little about myself. My name’s Elise, I’m fourteen, and I love horses. I ride them around three to four days a week and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened in my life. It’s almost therapeutic to me (most of the time). I’m guessing it’s what like writing is for you. I remember my seventh grade English teacher talking about how you wrote The Outsiders because you were friends with a lot of greasers, and I ride horses because my best friend does too, and obviously because it is my passion and I hope to go far in life with it. 

Well, S.E. Hinton, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for making me feel like I have a place in this world. I’ve always felt like an outsider my entire life, and you and The Outsiders have most definitely change my life for the better. There are so many more things I want to talk to you about, but I'm running out of time, so maybe in another post.

As always, stay gold,
Here's a picture of S.E. Hinton (you) with a horse, and because I love you and horses, I thought it was quite appropriate.
Photo Courtesy: School Library Journal 

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