
Monday, January 4, 2016


Okay, enough of my life, lets, hm… focus on something else. Honestly, I’m kind of getting sick of writing about myself, no one really cares. And I’m not just saying that, I mean, literally no one wants to hear about the time I went swimming with whale sharks, or the time my dog and my friends dog met. So, I thought I should write about something a little different.

This specific blog post might be somewhat educational, I’m not sure yet, I’m kind of just winging this. *insert shrugging emoticon here* Well, today folks, we will be taking about… horoscopes. Is it real, fake, something that only hipsters believe in, or maybe just your great aunt who does palm readings in Vegas believes in it. Who knows, but maybe in the 500 word blog post we’ll find out.

I personally have always been quite fascinated by horoscopes. I’ve always found it crazy that the way stars are aligned at your type of birth determine what type of person you are. But, the stars can’t tell you who to be, you do. Alright, I’m not going to get any more sappy so lets move on.

Okay, I’m a leo, and the description of a leo is “very independent but they need something to control… they are much happier if they have an audience… they would prefer not be alone.” And, if anyone knows me, I am not ANY of that. So, I did some research about this. I can’t be the only one who feels like I’m not a leo at all, right? Well, I found out that we don’t just have our sun sign, but we have signs for all the other planets and even a sign called a rising sign. Don’t worry confused soul, I’ll explain later.

The two other un-sun related signs are called your moon and rising sign. Actually, your Moon sign is the second most important sign, after your sun sign, in your astrology chart. Your Moon sign rules the emotional side of you. People say is that it’s your “heart”. While your sun sign is your “soul”. Next, your rising sign is how you preserve yourself to others. Your rising sign also rules your outer appearance, people say it’s your “book cover”. You’re probably wondering, “well, how do I know what all my signs are?” This website will find them all for you. All you have to do is enter your place, date, and time of birth and you’ll know all of what your personality has to offer, even if you don’t believe it. 

Your Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, you name the next planet are all other pieces to your own personal puzzle of, well, yourself. I would explain what each planet has to offer for your personality, but each of my blogposts have to be 500 words, and I’m almost already at my limit...

Well, in conclusion, your horoscope can really help you find out more things about yourself. And, if you don’t believe that the stars can tell you about you, maybe you should just try it, I mean, what do you have to lose? Read your horoscope for today and see how true it really is.

Here's all twelve horoscope signs in case you didn't know what they were ;-)
Photo Courtesy: Ikuzo Astrology

1 comment:

  1. I feel totally in sync with my sign. I'm a pisces and I know someone who is familiar with the ways of the signs. He told me that since the symbol are two fish, it's like being in a school of fish, and they're always changing directions. I practically fell off the chairlift when he told me that. Perfect match! I find it interesting to consider that there are people who don't feel that way.
