
Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Okay, I want to learn. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I actually love to put new knowledge into my brain. I love spitting out random facts about how to cure a brain freeze, or that calico cats can only be female. What I don’t like learning is information that is crammed into my brain because we have to “know” it by the end of the year because the information is on the core test. This just isn’t fair, and this isn’t how we should be learning. 

If you didn’t already notice, I put quotation marks around the word know in the paragraph above. Learning something and knowing something are completely different things. I mean yeah, I have learned how to make a square inside a circle in math but I honestly still don’t know how to do it. Don’t get me wrong, obviously most of the stuff I know is because I learned it, but some stuff you just know, you know? For example, for me, I know that I hate tomatoes, the taste, the texture, everything, I just hate them. The thing is, I never learned to hate tomatoes, I just know because of my senses. 

I saw this picture on Google images and it really reminded me of what I was trying to talk about, but it made more sense worded this way.
Picture Credits: The Quotepedia

Okay, now I should probably get back on the subject. School sucks. Period end of story. Everyone hates it, or at least hates aspects of it. Common core and standards have ruined school for me, and I mean, I’m not a teacher, but I bet that they agree. Teachers have stuff that they want to teach their students about, but stupid standards and people they don’t even know control what comes out of their mouth. Oh you want to learn more about genetics, well sorry, we don’t have time, or, well that’s not in our curriculum, or we’ve already learned enough of that. 

Knowledge is important. It gets you down the hall to your next class, or back to your house. If you didn’t have knowledge, you would be screwed in life. Basically, I should be going to school and learning stuff that actually matters and will actually help me in life. Not some crap about mitosis and meiosis, and I don’t even know what that stuff is. This could be another problem, school just isn’t fit to everyones needs, and I wish I could think of a way to change this, but I can’t.  

I kind of get off on a lot of tangents so I’m terribly sorry if none of this makes any sense, but I needed a blog post so I just kind of typed my heart out. But, in all, there are a lot of flaws in the education system. Some are harder to change than others, but I believe that  we should focus on what can be changed. Things like how many standardized tests we take, or how much of something we learn. Well, I hope this post made some sense, I mean I tried to turn my thoughts into words but it’s pretty hard to do. Maybe school should teach me how to to my thoughts into words instead?

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