
Wednesday, March 9, 2016


This is going to be a blog post about myself and for me. Also, here’s just a warning, it’s about horses and honestly I’m kind of sick of people telling me I’m a weird horse girl or whatever. Like hey, come on, I don’t make fun of your sport or what you’re passionate about. Anyways, this is not what this blog post is about.

Around June of last year I started horseback riding seriously and even went to a competition. (It was just a schooling show and I got 5th twice and 3rd once) yeah that’s not great but it was my first horse show and I hadn’t been riding very long before it. 

I started riding a horse named Sheik, and I absolutely hated riding him… I looked for different horses to ride, I refused to enjoy riding him, I gave up, and I was stupid. We (my trainer and some other horse friends) moved some of my trainers horses out to a barn that is a forty five minute drive from my house, the reason being we don’t have an indoor riding area that we can use during the winter. 

At first the only reason I was leasing Sheik was not because I loved him but because I wanted to ride with my friends in the winter and I didn’t want to be behind and in horseback riding, you are constantly improving and taking a break over a few months can be… pretty bad.

Now, Sheik and I are buds and we are both improving so, so, so much. I look at videos of me from last summer and I am absolutely astonished at how well I’m doing. I’m so excited to start eventing this year, hopefully I’ll do at least one beginner novice event (show jumping jumps are set at 2’6 and the cross country brush goes up to 3’0). Although, I’ll probably do mostly either intro or pre-beginner novice.

I have improved so much and I’m so proud of myself. Being an equestrian is hard, and also being a soccer player or a hocker player. Every single sport is hard and the thing that is my favorite about my sport is that I can keep improving, I can improve until I’m thirty or one hundred. I have so many dreams and goals and I cannot wait to see what my future holds, whether I become a vet, like I want to be right now, or a grand prix or rolex rider, who knows? 

In all, I write, talk and breathe horse. And I’m sorry if it’s the most annoying thing in the world but I can’t really help it because I love riding so much and I would never give it up for anything!! Please, please, please find something that you love and you can’t stop talking about, whether that is a person, hobby, book, movie, sport, anything, if you love it, do it. Also, talk about it, who gives a shit about what anyone else thinks! (You can always bother me about it, because I am always willing to listen <3) 

Here's a little video I made of me jumping, yes I don't look my best but that's the whole point of learning and improving right? (Also so sorry about the horrible quality)
Video Credits: Arielle Smith

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