
Monday, December 28, 2015


It’s that time of year again, the time when you hang out with your friends and family and make gingerbread houses and cell models and have big, fancy, delicious dinners. Ah, what a wonderful time. Oh wait, I just said cell models… yeah because I’m still a bit salty that my biology teacher gave us our quarter project three weeks before the due date. Ugh, is all I have to say. 

Well, winter break has been super fun! I made an animal cell out of clay and just, I mean just finished my essay about “The Cell Theory and the men who created it” so yay for me. I’m also in Holyoke, Massachusetts right now with my younger cousin Cosmo and my two aunts. Their cat, Little, is also cuddled up next to me as I’m writing this. Aesthetic goals, I know, I know.

Although, the plane ride over to Massachusetts was kind of stressful to say the least. Sit back, relax, and enjoy my quickly written story about my worst traveling experience to this day. Well, first, we left the house at 6 A.M. which isn’t too bad, except for the part that halfway to the airport my mom realized that she had forgotten her phone at home. So, we turned around and started heading back to our house. I ran inside to grab the phone from the counter and lovely enough, found it not in the spot that my mom said it would be in. By this time it’s around 6:15 and our plane left at 7:30… I ran outside and told my mom the... bad news. We all start freaking out and finally, brilliant me, decided that it might be a good idea to call the phone instead of running around looking for it. We didn't hear it anywhere inside the house so we ran back out to the car and found my little sister holding the phone yelling, “It was in the car! It was in here!” Instant. Face. Palm. I guess it was too early in the morning to function and I’m still mad at all of us for not thinking of calling her phone earlier. 

Basically me when we found out the phone was in the car the entire time...
GIF Courtesy: Reaction Gifs

The next unfortunate incident that happened was that on the way to the airport my dad sighed and said, “The car has been in four-wheel drive this entire time.” MORE FACE PALMING. We were driving on the highway going 80 MPH while the freaking car was in FOUR-WHELL DRIVE?! FML.

Finally, FINALLY, we arrived at the airport. My mom, sister and I were all welcomed by a wonderful surprise... the line to check in luggage was a TWENTY. MINUTE. WAIT. But, thank god that there was this guy who could check them in right away for $8. Best $8 ever spent.

YES! More bad news!!! The line for security was probably another ten minute wait. Ugh! Could this morning get any worse?! Thankfully we all got onto the plane literally five minutes before it left and I am now in Massachusetts for the next week.

Okay, well I hope you enjoyed this little story about my worst traveling experience, and hopefully the last bad traveling experience story that you will hear from me...

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


I apologize for not posting a punday last Monday or this Monday... I've just been extremely busy with tests -,- (loving the high school life)
But to make up for it, I have an especially funny pun today ;-)
That was sodium funny! I slapped my neon that one!
You're welcome for this hilarious chemistry pun.

Friday, December 11, 2015


HEY, I’M GONNA RANT… about fashion. 

*I am not trying to offend anyone in any way. If you do these things, good for you! These are just my personal opinions on things that I don’t think look very good.*

Now, carry on…

Okay, even though it might not seem like it, I really like fashion. Yeah, I don’t tend to keep up with the trends. Yeah, when I come to school I look like a black garbage bag. Yeah, I don’t own a Louis Vuitton handbag. But nonetheless, I still enjoy looking nice (sometimes), and also complaining about other people’s horrible fashion choices. 

The first topic I will be talking about are “man buns”. They look good if they’re messy and quickly put up, but if your hair is perfectly styled into a man bun, no, just no. It looks like a hairy thumb was glued to the back of your bald eagle shaped head. Fortunately, I don’t see many people in my school wearing these. I personally think it would be weird if a thirteen year old boy wore one to school, but that’s just me.

Yikes. Yikes. YIKES.
Photo Courtesy: Ecosalon

Thanks random guy for not looking terrible :)
Photo courtesy: Pinterest

Next, patterned leggings… why, just why? Why would ever do that to your poor legs? They are not cute. They can’t match anything, nothing, nothing on the face of this planet would match your “tribal print” leggings from Forever21. Also, no pattern in the universe would look good on cheap fabric from China. Yikes, just yikes… that’s all I have to say. 

Fringe! Oh fringe… I’m sorry but I don’t want to see your little pieces of cloth flowing in the wind when you walk by me. And for bags with fringe, it looks like you decided to carry around some colorful spaghetti and then it all fell out onto your little purse from Justice. Please just do yourself a favor and spare yourself from public humiliation.

Denim on denim on denim on can you not. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen people where a denim jacket on top of a pair of blue jeans and almost cried. It’s so ugly!! Like, is it that hard to wear a different fabricated jacket. Ugh, first world problems. But, it’s even worse if the denim is the same color, like are you purposely trying to blend into a denim factory? 

Now, shoulder pads. Do you want to look like a drummer in marching band? And no offense to marching band people, shoulder pads are fine in uniform, but if you chose to wear them, just ummm… The 80’s were almost thirty years ago, and don’t get me wrong, I love the 80’s, but shoulder pads need to die. D. I. E., not DIY. I’ve seen DIY shoulder pads on YouTube, what has this world come to? We need help…

And lastly, animal prints. ANY ANIMAL PRINT, ANYWHERE. I don’t care if the print is in the inside of your shoe, when you take that shoe off, everyone and their mother will see it. And do say, “Well why would you look in someone’s shoe?” Honey, you can see that bright pink cheetah print from a mile away. I’ve seen horse halters that are in zebra print. Now, that’s just cruel. 

I should probably stop before I get even more worked up, it’s not good for my mental health. Well, I hope you think about these fashion yikes before you put on on your fringed, patterned leggings.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


I forgot to upload a pun yesterday because I had a math test and homework and babysitting. 
Anyways... here's a pun because Kira asked, and I also feel bad for not doing one.
Lets have a garden party! Lettuce turnip the beet!