
Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Hi! I know, school is coming to an end and it is so unfortunate that I won’t be able to post to this blog very much longer. I only have two more blog posts that are required, and this is one of them. So, I’m going to continue on with the post and reflect on the questions asked. 

The first question asked is where were you when you started your blogging journey. Well, it was the beginning of my first year of high school... in a middle school. Yeah, I was still in the same school that I was in last year, but I was still slightly terrified. I mean, everything was starting to “count”, like grades. I was also a straight A student in the past, so I wasn’t too worried about my grades. But let me tell you, eighth grade did not prepare me for ninth. 

Unlike a lot of people, I was actually pretty excited to make a blog, but I did not expect it to be so time consuming. Just writing three five-hundred words posts every quarter was pretty difficult for me. I had nothing to write about. I mean, I’m just this regular teenage girl who is just trying to get through the first year of high school without messing up. At the beginning of my blogging journey I would just write a bunch of dumb posts so I could get a good grade.

Although, I wouldn’t say that I’ve changed or really grown in a result of blogging. There’s a bunch of stuff I wanted to write about, but some of it was super personal and I wasn't comfortable putting it onto a public blog, or heavens for sake having my English teacher read it, no offense Mr. Parker. But, I think that I have become more open and thoughtful about what I put onto the Internet. I talked about stuff that mattered to me (most of the time). Actually, scratch that, I only talked about me and I guess I matter to myself. Ugh I can’t do words. 

Hmmm… how else have a changed because of this blog? I’ve become more aware about what is important to me and what I spend my time writing about. I also think that I have learned how to manage my time a bit better. I know this sounds super weird, like uh, how do you learn how to manage time from a high school blog? Well, I learned to not leave my work until the last minute because trust me, I’ve tried and it’s really hard to write three five-hundred word blog posts the night before they’re due.

Actually me. 
Photo Courtesy: Voices of Youth

And finally, now I talk about where I am today. As of right now I am in computer technology, but I know that’s not what this question means. Right now I’m doing alright, and honestly, I’m kind of sad I don’t have the responsibility of running a blog, I mean I could in my own time, but I know that I would never keep up with it.

In conclusion, this blog was a pain in the butt but I mean, it gave me my own personal space to write about what I want and kind of just talk about stuff, you know? So, thanks blog, you made me actually think. Also, I want to give a thanks to all of my readers. Thanks for reading my posts :)

Sunday, May 1, 2016


My life and how I view it has changed dramatically since I started horseback riding. I know, I know, how cheesy can I be? Well, actually, I’m pretty cheesy, and I only talk about horses, so that’s a fact. Anyway, someone asked me what the best year of my life has been. I’m only fourteen so I haven’t experienced much, so I didn’t really know what to say. After some deliberation, I finally said 2015. There were definitely a lot of downs in that year, but the good things that happened greatly over powered the bad. They asked me why, and I said because in that year I realized I actually had dreams and aspirations, things I wanted to do and things I was going to do.

The way I view many things in life has changed in just a year. I used to say that I loved rain. I loved the sound it made when it landed on the car windshield, or how it made the mountains in my backyard look reborn. But now, I freaking hate rain. Honestly it just makes horseback riding a pain in the butt. Mud is everywhere, it gets on you it gets all over your horse (or in my instance all over my pony) and it’s just so annoying. 

Next, whenever I got paid for babysitting the parents would always ask what I’d use the money for, I never knew. I’d just say that I was saving for something. Then, they would ask what I was saving for and I would always just say and laptop or something. I swear to God if I had bought a $1,000 laptop I probably would have shot myself. Now that horses are in the picture, I need every cent I can get. I know I don’t have my own horse right now, but I eventually plan on having one and taking care of a one ton animal is pretty dang expensive and I can tell you right now that my parents aren’t going to pay for much of it. I actually love having stuff to save for, or buying things I actually need. 

I have also realized that I need to live my life to the fullest and not be afraid. Horseback riding is one of the most dangerous sports out there and there’s no denying it. In 2016 alone, I have heard of five people dying from horseback riding. On last Friday, April 29, nineteen year old Caitlyn Fischer died on a cross-country course after her horse fell on top of her. Also, Olivia Inglis, who was only seventeen also died this year on a cross-country course after her horse tripped over a jump and landed on top of her. 

Although these events are absolutely devastating and I cannot begin to imagine what these families and friends are going through, I cannot be scared to ride. I know the risk that comes with this sport and let me tell you, if I ever die from riding, don’t cry for me, because I died doing what I loved. 

In all, horseback riding has made me realize a lot of things, it has shaped me into the person I am today I cannot be more thankful. 

This is me and the pony I ride (Sheik) and I love him to pieces.
Picture Credit: Ashtyn Drechsel