
Monday, November 23, 2015


I'm waiting for the bus, because my car got toad. *insert toad picture here*
I was laughing so hard when I read this!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


“Become the person you would fall in love with.” Right now, I should be studying for an ecology final, but I obviously am not and it’s almost 8:30 at night. I’m sitting in my bed, wrapped in a blanket, listening to The Blue Van (which I never listen to, but I wanted to listen to something new) and well, writing this blog post. I’ll be honest, the only reason I’m writing this is so I can meet the required amount of posts so I can pass my English class. 

This isn’t the way I want to be.

I want to be a person who looks forward to Mondays. A person who gives and doesn’t need to receive anything in return. A person who never procrastinates. A person who never ridicules anyone else, no matter what. A person who does it for themselves and no one else. A person who dreams way, too, big.

But, I’m working on it. And you should too. 

I believe in second chances. I think everyone deserves them, including you. You need to care for yourself. And I’m guilty of not. I care about people so much I tend to forget about myself. Clear your mind. Take a deep breathe. Think. Sit and think of all the things you want to improve on. It doesn’t have to be something as simple as math. It can be, “I want to go to bed earlier, so I can wake up, refreshed, ready to take on the world and everyone in it.” Great. Start out by going to bed 30 minutes early every night, until you get there, to your goal.

People seem to think the only way to accomplish something is to do it as fast as you can, so you can say, “I did it” before the person next to you. Everything and anything good takes time. Don’t believe me? Why do you think it takes nine months for a child to be born, because if it took seven days, there would be nothing to it. You would look forward to something for six days, and then on the seventh, it’s over. When you get to that ninth month, you’re probably so relieved and so, so excited to see your baby, it was worth it. Also, college, and any school in general. Why do you think it takes four years to graduate high school? Because you will get nothing out of a single month of school. Nothing. All of those stressful nights when you wanted to give up, all paid off for something. A chance. A chance to make all your dreams come true.

Please, just remember to take care of yourself. Get up, grab some earbuds, turn on your favorite song and take a walk. Bring your dog with you. Spend sometime somewhere else. Go on an adventure, even if that means walking up a hill and watching the sunset with your best friend.  

And, don’t ever be afraid to take risks. You choose your own destiny. 

In all, be the person you owns fifty rescued animals. Be the person who writes a book about their life, not leaving out a single detail. Be the person who takes pictures of everything. Be the person you would fall in love with. 

Here's a picture I took when I was taking a walk on a beach in Massachusetts, pondering life, and trying to be artsy.

Monday, November 9, 2015


What does a banana say when their outfit is looking good? I find this attire... appeeling.
I think all the bananas out there would find this pun hilarious.
Pun Source

Sunday, November 8, 2015


This is going to be a story about the time when I went swimming with whale sharks. Okay, lets first back track a little. So, over the summers of sixth and seventh grade, I went and lived with my parents friends in Cancun, Mexico for one month each time. The family includes Justice (who is my age), Trinity (who’s four years younger then me), their parents (Darren and Toby). A boy two years older then me named Brian also came along. Well, I went to Mexico in the month of July. Well, guess what, my birthday is July 29. So because of this, everyone asked me what I wanted to do for my 12th birthday. Me being me, and having the pressure of choosing things, I said anything really. So, Darren and Toby tricked Justice, Trinity, me and Brian that we were just going to have a small party with some of our other Mexican friends. 

The morning of my birthday, Darren and Toby woke us up super early. We all complained because we rarely got to sleep in, and we thought is was only fair because to sleep in because it was my birthday. But, they convinced us to get up because they said it would all be worth it in the end, and boy were they right. Well, we all piled into our friends mini van and started heading out of the city of Cancun. We all begged to know what was happening. And, right when we got to the place, everyone knew what was happening. Everybody flipped. I mean, who wouldn’t? We were going to swim with freaking whale sharks. 

We all went through the safety procedures that know one really listens to anyway and then hopped into the small boat. It was all six of us plus another family with, well, if my memory is right, four people. I remember it was the longest boat ride of my life! Or, maybe it just felt that way. On the way there, Trinity and Justice both got sea sick, which was really too bad for them. 

When we finally arrived at the place where all the whale sharks were, everyone was so excited. There were so many. So many whale sharks. And let me tell you right now, they are huge. Just absolutely gigantic. Unfortunately, at this point Trinity was really sick. Little side note, I remember her throwing up on my water bottle and being just a tad bit disgusted haha. 

Anyway, now on to the good part. The instructor dude, Darren, Justice and I all put on our flippers, snorkels and then plunged into the freezing water together. When I looked down into the ocean, I saw nothing. It was pitch darkness and that was, well, slightly… unsatisfying. Sting rays swam around the whale sharks which is also pretty scary, but I wasn’t there for them, I was there for the whale sharks. Okay, they have huge mouths! Don’t believe me? Look at the picture below this…

I told you!
Photo courtesy: Sheraton

Well, we swam around them and it was... magical. I honestly don’t know how else to describe it. Sometimes we had to dodge them which was pretty crazy because you basically had to swim for your life. 

We got back onto the boat and waited for another turn. This time, it was just me and Darren, because Justice was too sick. 

In all, my 12th birthday is a birthday I will never, ever forget. I’m so lucky to have been able to do this and I can’t thank the whale sharks enough for not eating me ;-)

Monday, November 2, 2015


Thought this pun was pretty funny... I've heard it before but I wanted to share it with my little to no audience...
What do you call a fish with no eye? FSH