
Saturday, September 19, 2015


Hi! I'm Elise, and this is my blog! I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my 9th grade English teacher, Mr. Parker. So, hey, thanks Mr. Parker! I will admit, the name of my blog is quite confusing. It's just a combination of two things I like- Van Gogh (mostly his art) and the color indigo. Fun fact: Van Gogh died on my birthday. Hmm, more things about me... well, I'm currently riding a horse named Sheik. I mean, he's technically a pony, but he thinks he's a horse! I ride in the English discipline, while competing in eventing. For all of you non-horsey people, eventing is a combination of dressage, stadium jumping, and cross country jumping. I also have three really adorable dogs named Maxine, Clifford and Sam. I also own five super cute cats, Stella, Maui, Cato, Jack and Violet. And to top it all off, I have a snake named Spike! Yeah, I guess you could say my family kinda loves animals... Another little fun fact about me is that I "lived" in Cancun, Mexico for two months on a study aboard trip. It might not sound like a long time, but I wasn't with my parents, I was living with a whole different family! 

Because I can, here are a bunch of random facts about me:

1. I was born in Scottsdale, Arizona
2. My favorite animal is an okapi 
3 I've never met someone famous :(
4. I'm 5'0 (yeah, I know, I'm really short, it sucks)
5. My lucky number is 22
6. My number one pet peeve is when people take my glasses
7. If I was a boy, I would've been named Liam (that was so random)
8. I played the guitar for two years... then I quit
9. My favorite genres of music are alternative rock and indie
10. Snap peas gross me out
11. I LOVE spicy foods
12. My favorite subjects in school are English and science (more specifically biology)
13. I want to be a vet when I'm older :~)
14. < is my age
15. I've written a novel
16. My favorite movies are Stand By Me, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Dirty Dancing, Back to the Future, The Goonies, Sixteen Candles, the list could go on and on, but I'd better stop...
17. One of my favorite video games is Minecraft (judge me)
18. And lastly, spiders don't actually scare me 

Now, I guess I should talk a little bit about my blog. My blog is going to be about all types of different stuff! I guess you could call my theme... miscellaneous. Some topics you could see on my blog could be rants, reviews, or just funny stories of my everyday life in general! Also, I'm hoping to do "Pundays" every well, you guessed it, Monday. I'm doing them on Mondays because the pun works well and I also think Mondays suck, so I'm hoping by adding a new pun every Monday, someones Monday will get a little bit better. Wow, I never thought I'd say the word "Monday" so many times in one paragraph! Well, I hope you decide to stay and join me on this adventure! :-)

Enjoy this photo I took of Sheik with an edited emoji crown on his head :)

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